Golf at Wagga City Golf Club

Wagga City Golf Club is an 18 hole championship course open to both members and guests of all abilities. Blue Tees Championship Course, Yellow Tees Intermediate Level or Pink Tees Beginner Level.

Green Fees

Non Member Social - 9 Holes$25.00
Non Member Social - 18 Holes$30.00
Non Member Social - 9 Holes (Weekend)$30.00
Non Member Social - 18 Holes (Weekend)$41.00
Non Member Student (17 years and under)$15.00
Member - Social Game$5.00
Club Hire - 9 Holes$15.00
Club Hire - 18 Holes$20.00
Non Member - Cart Hire - 9 Holes$35.00
Non Member - Cart Hire - 18 Holes$50.00
Member - Cart Hire - 9 Holes$25.00
Member - Cart Hire - 18 Holes$35.00
Pull Buggy$5.00

Play Times

DayCompetitionSocial play
Monday9 Hole CompAll Day
TuesdayLadies Day - 18 Hole CompAfter 11.30 A.M. Call
WednesdayMember/Visitor 18 Hole CompAfter 10.30 A.M. Call
Thursday9 Hole CompAll Day
FridayLadies Day - 18 Hole CompAll Day
SaturdayMember/Visitor CompAfter 11 A.M. Call
SundayMember/Visitor Comp - 9/18 HolesAll Day

* Please call the proshop at 0269 316 275 to discuss your tee times as the course may be closed for social games due to corporate days or unscheduled golf tournaments.

Golf Etiquette

Wagga City Golf Club is open to both members and public alike and we ask our patrons to follow some basic rules to keep our course enjoyable and safe for all.

  • Proper dress code should be followed while playing or attending functions in the club.
  • Players should take responsibility of repairing pitch marks, replacing divots and smoothing bunkers
  • A sand bucket must be carried at all times, when on the course.
  • Golf carts should be handled properly and only driven in the areas designated by the green staff.
  • Social players should give way to competition players if they are on the way. The same rule applies to players searching for their balls and are on the way of other players.
  • All players should give way to the ground staff while they are working on the course.
** Any person seen to be causing damage to the course or club equipment will be asked to leave and may be barred from future services.